almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Friday, May 6th, was School Lunch Hero Day and Irwin County Schools recognized the hard working individuals who make sure our students receive their proper nutrition! Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Kerry Billingsley, ICES Principal, Mrs. Rontee Barnes and ICSS School Nutrition Director, Mrs. Lisa Pettis all helped recognize the school cafeteria personnel. Thank you to the school cafeteria personnel for working so hard for all of the Irwin County students! Irwin County Schools appreciates all of you! #schoollunchheroday2022 #schoolnutritionheroday2022 #fuelinggeorgiasfuture2022 #weareirwin
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
GMAS May 9th and 10th
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
GMAS May 9th and 10th
Happy Mother's Day from Irwin County Schools!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy Mother's Day from Irwin County Schools!
Irwin Baseball will host a youth camp this summer June 27-29. Check out the details in the flyers. Players will learn a lot about the game and have a lot of fun! Forms will be available at ICES, ICMS, & ICHS!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Baseball Camp
Baseball Form
Parents, Please be advised that some bus routes may be a few minutes later than normal due to the weather and safety precautions. Be safe and thank you for your patience.
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
PBIS Celebration- May 23rd
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy School Nurse Appreciation Day! Thank you, Angela Clements, Regina Cook, and Mendy Vickers for all you do for the students in Irwin County!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
School Nurse Appreciation Day
We are excited to be partnering with Anonymous Alerts - a new anti-bullying and safety app that will allow students, parents and community members to send in safety alerts anonymously to school administrators. The Anonymous Alerts empowers students to speak up. The system allows for 1-way or 2-way anonymous encrypted communications between submitters (students, parents or community members) and district administration and/or school staff. Users of the system have the option to remain anonymous or reveal their identity when submitting a report.
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Anonymous Alerts
Anonymous Alerts
Happy Earth Day 2022! Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was started on April 22, 1970, and has gained immense popularity over the last decade.
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Happy Earth Day 2022
​Gaskins Forest Education Center in Alapaha will have "A Day in the Woods" on Saturday, April 23, from 1:00-5:00. The event will be free and there will be a lot of outdoor activities and projects for the family to enjoy!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
A Day in the Woods
A Day in the Woods
Irwin County 2022-2023 Pre-K Registration Thursday, April 14th, 10:00-4:00 at the Irwin County Board of Education Conference Center
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Prek Registration
ICES students are setting goals and reaching them!!! We are proud to recognize our 3rd nine weeks goal setting incentive recipients. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
ICES 3rd Nine Weeks Goal Setting Students
ICES 3rd Nine Weeks Goal Setting Students
Irwin County Schools is experiencing difficulties with the phone system at this time. We are working on the system. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Phone System
Thursday, April 14, 2022 9AM-2PM. Give Blood. Give Life.
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
FFA BBQ Plate Sale!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Mcfarland Theatre Dedication
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Irwin County Pre-K Registration 2022-2023
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Free Admission for Students to the ICHS Varsity Baseball Game Tuesday, March 29th All Irwin County students in grades K—12 get in free at this upcoming Tuesday’s home varsity baseball game! Come see a good ballgame, grab a snack from the best concession stand around, & help to pack out the park!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools
Baseball Game
I.C.E.S. Hat DAY!
almost 3 years ago, Irwin County Schools