PreK Registration Reminder
Wednesday, March 15th
Please see the information included in the document below.
It's Time to Spring Forward!
ICES celebrated National School Breakfast Week this week. Mrs. Lisa Pettis, Irwin County School System's School Nutrition Director, enjoyed giving the students bookmarks, pencils, and sticker cards that helped them understand why a good breakfast is so important. #DigIn2SchoolBreakfast #NSBW23
Irwin County Schools invited local law enforcement to breakfast today in appreciation of their service and to celebrate National School Breakfast Week. The officers were able to eat breakfast at either ICES or ICHS/ICMS. Breakfast was a huge success!!
Thank you to our school food service department for the hard work they put forth in making the great breakfast!!! #DigIn2SchoolBreakfast #NSBW23
Irwin County Mini Cheer Camp Summer 2023
Attention 5th Grade Parents: Don’t miss out, deadline is March 24th!
ICES Book Fair is March 6-10 and will be open during Science Night on Thursday, March 9th!
Irwin County Schools is celebrating National School Breakfast Week, this week. In appreciation of our local law enforcement, the school system would like to invite the local law enforcement, the Ocilla Police officers, the Irwin County Sheriff deputies, along with any Georgia State Patrol officers that are in the area to come and have breakfast tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 8th, between 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. at either ICES or ICHS/ICMS. Law enforcement will either need to be in uniform or have their badge with them. #NSBW23 #DigIn2SchoolBreakfast
Join us in celebrating #NSBW23 March 6-10 to highlight the importance of #schoolbreakfast and the critical role school nutrition professionals play in helping children succeed in and out of the classroom. Learn more: #BreakfastBuilders #DigIn2SchoolBreakfast
The Book Fair is coming to ICES next week!
Irwin County Cheer Tryouts
ICES Celebrates Read across America Week February 27th-March 3rd
Irwin Schools will be closed Monday, February 21st, in observance of Presidents Day.
Happy School Resource Officer Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
ICES Field Day T-shirt orders are due by April 7th! Please turn them in to your child’s teacher. Thank you!
Happy National School Counseling Week 2023! Join Irwin County Schools in celebrating our school counselors this week. ICES counselors are Paige Graham and Anna Youghn. Wendy Soles is the school counselor at ICMS. Dr. Katrina Billingsley and Andrea Mullis are the counselors at ICHS. Thank you for all you do for the students in Irwin County! ❤ #nscw2023 #weareirwin
Irwin County Rec Department Softball Sign ups.
South Georgia Soccer Club Ages 4 through 5th Grade
Irwin County Youth League Baseball